Thursday, 21 February 2013

Protect Your Health And Save Money On Your Electricity Bill

We are all familiar with the ways to improve the efficiency of your home energy systems. Proper insulation, and vapor barriers, adequate weather stripping, efficient furnaces or heat pumps and modern efficient appliances and fixtures. Add in some solar panels or even a wind turbine and you can cut your energy consumption down to near zero and in some cases have the electrical company pay you for your excess power.
But for most of us, just the extra attention to efficiency can make a difference to the amount you are paying for your utilities. After that you just have to accept that if you want to save more energy you need to turn down the thermostat, or put on warmer clothing to stay warm, if you live in cooler climates, or get used to a warmer setting on your air conditioner in hotter ones, right?  Not so fast.
 With soaring energy prices and costs in every market climbing ever upward, we can all do with a way to save even more money on our electricity bills, would you agree?

These days we are so dependent on electricity for every convenience and comfort in our lives. Our homes are filled with a host of electrical appliances and gadgets of all descriptions, computers, cell phones, TV’s, dish washers, washing machines, dryers, refrigerators, ranges, sound systems, vacuum cleaners, air conditioners, heaters, security systems and the list goes on.  

What you probably didn’t know is that all those appliances, the wiring, lighting and electrical systems produce what are called electro-magnetic fields (EMF) and these fields have been linked to some serious health issues. The World Health Organization has identified EMF as being “a real threat to our society”, based on a report put out by 29 leading physicians and scientists from 10 different countries.

The 1500+ page report has shown a direct link to many diseases including headache, chest pain, depression, fibromyalgia, leukemia and other cancers. An alarming statistic considering that most people are unaware of the hazards posed. They also found that children are particularly sensitive to these electro-magnetic fields and are believed to contribute to the incidence of autism and childhood leukemia, a chilling revelation.

It is fortunate that Energy Management Systems (EMS), a leading technology company founded on the premise of providing green energy saving solutions, has not only helped bring this health hazard to public attention, but also provided a solution to cut these harmful emissions by up to 80%. By installing a product called the EnergyMizer it is now possible to remove the majority of the radiation making your home or work place environment safer.


The EnergyMizer is available for residential, commercial and industrial service. In all instances it will make savings on your electricity bill. It does this by taking ‘dirty power,’ electricity that comes with all sorts of spikes and surges and converting it to a cleaner and more usable form. In so doing it provides longer life to most electrical equipment, which is another great benefit to installing these units.

This is an inexpensive system that should be given serious consideration in each case.
  • To protect your family’s health,
  • Save money on your electricity bill
  • Extend the life of electrical equipment

Any one of these is reason enough to buy the EnergyMizer unless, when it comes to spending money, the miser is you!

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